i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Sweater Weather

...is ending. THANKFULLY. 

It is getting springy and happy and wonderful and it appears that everything on the horizon is positive and splendid! It could just be that it is March and it is my favorite month, 98% due to St. Patrick's Day...Spring also provides for adorable things, such as:
And maybe because end-of-winter sales are the best thing to hit NYC streets since my Rod Stewart deity in the sky decided to make sure every bartender was a vierecke geaugen hipster!

My wonderful piece of ancient history (cellphone) decided to stop receiving text messages and it was the most pleasant experience of. my. life. I could talk at you but never had to worry about what you said back!! It was rather refreshing to have real life conversations and not sit on my phone in result of boredom.

I still stand by the idea that doing things by your lonesome is the best experience. #1, you will act like the best version of yourself #2, you make awesome new friends, #3 you get turned into a GIF. 

I also got adventurous (and drunk) and bought bathing suits for Cancun online. Target is awesome but I think I need to develop an eating disorder (or get drunk) before I try them on.

NYC is magical again.