i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

when life gets stupid, eat a bagel and tell life to EAT ITSELF.

Overly positive/pretentious blogs piss me off. Not because I'm not a happy person, because I am. I love life and I think everything is magical. When things are dumb, I can't focus my chi and go to 17 SoulCycle classes to clear my head (#1, because I'm poor ...#2, because I'm still not entirely sure what it is...)and my idea of a religious figure to worship is vintage Marky Mark, but what I CAN do, is go get a fuckin' bagel with a cowboy boot wearing weirdo. That is the world's most perfect way to cure any sort of qualm you have about your job, your life, your future or whatever. Honestly, the main thing that was bothering me and caused the bagel resolution, were these ritzy blogs (damn you and your Prada heels & photographer boyfriend & good credit...whatever, I'm a rockstar) , but more importantly, the overarching idea of manipulation & lack of appreciation people have for those who actually DESERVE to be appreciated. This is incredibly vague and I will confuse you even more by adding this quote by Oscar Wilde, "Never love anyone who treats you like your ordinary." You're fuckin' cool & go play with people who know it too! Don't let anyone tell you you're not good enough for them or you have to change to be good enough for them. Don't waste your time trying to mend a horseshit relationship/friendship and spend your time LOVING EVERY SECOND OF LIFE & spend it with those people who are on your same level of weird and enjoy each second of that mutual weirdness. KITTIES UNITE. 

Spend even more time with people who will eat like this with you at 4am.

 Oldest friends are the best friends. They know you well enough to tell it how it is and not really care how it hurts your feelings...they usually know what will work out best for you anyway. This guy has been my right hand man since I was 14 and he was called Cowboy...because that was a good idea at the time...gave him SO much street cred. He also introduced me to a new bagel store and le sigh, it was the best egg everything I have EVER had. 

Douchbaggin' with our indoor sunnies.

Weird friends are on the same tier of awesome as old friends. And Morticia Adams (or Tich, if you prefer her lesbian name...), makes it pretty clear that the line between weird/normal is incredibly thin.



Don't waste your life falling for bullshit and spend your time appreciating the littlest awesome things that are around. So f your photographer boyfriend and SoulCycle, I got my lady cats from hell & some fat kid food & awesome people surrounding me that AREN'T going to turn my life into a Lifetime movie. 

A reality show would be cool though. 


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