i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Thursday, October 11, 2012

Word Vom of the ...last few Weeks

If I ever got murdered or something and cops had to go through my computer and/or cell phone to find my mystery killer, I think they would be semi disturbed to find that me and my friends are all deranged, horn dogs who have been fed too much tequila. I also have a lot of pictures of food...and Joseph Gordon Levitt...but like, his 'Third Rock from the Sun' days...friendship points if you ever watched that...then again, as a youth, I only used plastic silver wear, had 76 stuffed cows and ordered caesar salads with side salads..so I don't blame you if you never watched that bizarre show....

"Second date was yesterday and we sat in my bed in our underwear and ate gummy bears and watched YouTube videos. No sex. Casual..."

>>if this isn't romance...I don't know what is<<

"I'm eating avocados In bed. Casual. "

>>..well, I don't blame you. I think delicious food is better company than a man...<<

"Omg I had to write a story about how One Republic compared themselves to the Beatles and I almost vomited in my cubicle."

>>at first, my (pretend) political activist acted up and was VERY confused about how A REPUBLICAN thought him and his pals were reminiscent of the best boys pretty much ever...but then my music snob self ALMOST VOMITED AS WELL AT THE REAL STATEMENT.<<

"All I can think about is more red things.. like OXBLOOD FUR." 
>>bitch please, we live and breathe seasonally appropriate colors<<

"He's cute. Your type, great eyes like you."
'Okay does my type mean he's cute or looks like a British rock star?'
"Hahahahahaha, he's cute. He looked preppy that night, combed hair, button down shirt. You were in love that night." 
>> Here's to hopin' that he doesn't look like the lead singer of Muse! If he is though....move over K.HUD<<

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