i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Monday, October 22, 2012

smokin' in the boys room

The majority of males I have encountered in my life ... dress like total dipshits. There have been a few instances where exceptions were made, like when woah, Adam Cupcake had awesome dress shoes and / or braces ( British term for suspenders ..he would get intensely angry if i called them suspenders, but just so ya know...) or Cinnamon combines his Doc's with a PBR t- shirt & leather jacket, but usually, dudes look like a pile of rubbish. Like, what type of hallucinogenic led you to believe that wearing women's flared jeans or JNCO jeans were okay? Why do you think it's okay to wear running sneakers WHILE WEARING A BUTTON UP SHIRT?! YOU REALIZE YOU ARE IN PUBLIC, CORRECT? 
I mean, there are males who can get away with wearing jorts or cropped tops and by males, I'm limiting that to the members of the OU Rugby team or if you work at The Pub. more or less, I'm letting my brother continue to wear his strange outfits...
I thought I was just being picky (I'm not) when I thought a guy shouldn't wear a t-shirt on a date or that wearing striped socks with a bow tie (may be a little much, but SO cute) was like, swoon worthy...
but then Refinery29, a.k.a my favorite website on the planet posted THIS:

and I nearly died. 

Everything and I mean everything on this post-- is what a dude should wear to make dem panties drop. Figuratively, of course. They still need to have a brain and nice hair and books and stuff. Duh. 

“We need to make books cool again. If you go home with somebody and they don't have books, don't fuck them.”
― John Waters

Some of my favorites:

I see some fells prancing around le city wearing some of these items, but they're usually foreign, so they obviously know what's up. NYC blokes, step up your game and DON'T BE AFRAID TO PEG ROLL. 


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