i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Friday, October 19, 2012

snapbacks & snafus

Oh, damn you Spring Street & your beautiful stores distracting me and stealing my money and FORCING me to accidentally buy pretty new things ALLLLLLL the time (hence the snafu, le sigh....). 
No, but seriously. It was bad enough that there was a Pinkberry and two pizza places causing me to develop a second person's worth of weight on my bootay, but now my location has to torment me as I innocently stroll to the subway after a long day at work and I think I deserve something...today, I couldn't help but to succumb to the temptation of material seduction.
 If there's a skeleton on it, I need it. NEED. It's not even an option. I nearly have a conniption anytime I see platforms or rock t-shirts or leather pants, but when there are skulls, FULL ON FREAKNASTY MODE. So, I strolled into LF and bought this damn thing:

I did need a new bag....to prevent like, back pain and stuff. Whatever. Justification medication. 

Know what I also justify? Buying street falafel...and then ordering a pound via Seamless immediately after finishing said street treats. This was also after Hoagie Princess kidnapped me and some random N.Y. Ink dude (seriously.....hah, yet again, no, I do not know who you are, don't expect me to) decided mind eraser shots (chugs) were a quality life choice for the evening, so that may explain the immense desire for chick peas + HAUTE SAWCE. 

 But seriously, I am not entirely sure why these floor picnics are becoming almost a bi-weekly occurrence, but I am for sure not mad at it. 

I have also realized my friends will permanently be 6 years old....
..I just asked a simple question..

..and realized that REAL LIFE SUCKS, but being a horn dawg is natch...

..and realized now more than ever that Chip tha Ripper is just fuckin' awesome.
Cinnamon will even tell you so. 

I so wanted to put the 10 hour loop, but it cut out all the good parts ... so you're on your own with pressing repeat...over and over and over. 


This now brings up the eternal question: what is the difference between a snapback and a flat brim? 
I don't actually really care anymore, all I know is that I want this, I need this, I would marry this and it's on sale. 

Speaking of meow, time to go snug with the kids. 
Well, by that I mean, here's an adorable picture because I don't sleep, duh. 

 Zulu & Bronxy are straight up doin' just this: 
Forever grateful to the verbal genius who combined some of my favorite things into one: cuddling, rhymes and being a pretend hood booger!


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