i realize i'm not everybody's cup of tea, i'd rather be someone's shot of whiskey anyway....

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Spanksgiving- A Tale of Two Douchebags

Two years ago, I had just started college at OU. My brother lived out there and over the summer him and his friend(who I later dated for like, ever.. kinda) decided they were both coming to Long Island for Thanksgiving. WELP, I began dating said friend and they still wanted to come out for the week or so, but their ride bailed on them, leaving them stranded in Athens. My sister was driving to pick me & my junk up and we were going to drive out together along with the now fiance. At this point, I was incredibly sick with mono and various other oddities that made my life a living hell, so all I wanted to do was go home and see my mom. Which I did...and my sister and Tot did....but the other two didn't quite make it.

EDIT: I forgot to mention...when we picked them up in Athens at 10AM, they were already piss drunk at The Pub. Typical. 
They joined us on the drive down to West Virginia and we were somehow all going to travel back to Strong Is in the seester's jeep-y thing...good game plan, however, the boys got bored on the night we were using to relax for the 10 + hour drive. So they decided to adventure. Now, Dunbar, WV is an odd place...a very odd place filled with crack dens and moats and overalls and Everclear sold at CVS...so of course they got into some trouble. These two were trouble WHEREVER they went, but boredom, cheap booze and no one to impress created a situation that was entirely too conducive to their shenanigans.
These two are probably the most comparable duo to the Bandit and CK.

They bought a disposable camera, went kinda fishing and then to The Tank...the local watering hole where the Jaeger flowed and the Redbull was minimal. Sidebar: Brother didn't have a cell phone ...so when they disappeared for hours, it was impossible to locate them, the other one never liked to answer his phone. 
Brother (Bandit) showed up at the apartment...alone, but was later uh, ushered away due to some issues and also saying vulgar things to my best friend via Skype, who he is actually now currently dating, funny how that works. 

He only returned to the apartment at that time to look for what's his name...who was also... no where to be found. 

I call and call and call. 

Four hours later, someone answers his phone.
A nurse from a hospital's in Charleston Emergency Room.

He somehow got an ambulance called on him, ended up about a hour away from where they were drinking and was now refusing treatment in the ER.

He finally got on the phone...and decided to come back to the apartment, where he OBVIOUSLY wasn't welcome. 

So he ran. 

AND somehow ended up back at the apartment to get his stuff and attempt to find my brother.

Who we found in the morning. Well, a cop directed us to him.
Silly Bandit. The night before, he walked up to the cop looking for his friend and his little ass ended up in the Dunbar drunk tank. 

So, what's his face got a phone call from me letting him know of that information. So, he rescued him and I later found out the stayed at a wonderful establishment called the Sunset Motel and befriended a cockroach or two...and we drove on our merry way home.

I still don't really know how any of this happened and I don't think any of us ever will. Those two trouble makers definitely won't ...

Here's to hoping no one ever blows a .33 again!!

Ps, their behavior and maturity levels have improved and increased since this fateful day (for the most part). I just don't think they will ever go to Dunbar again in their lives...then again, I don't think many people would. I understand as I type this, I am in WV and the Bandit will be here tomorrow, but Charleston is a totally different world, they have BISCUITS.

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